
22 immutable laws of marketing pdf free download
22 immutable laws of marketing pdf free download

22 immutable laws of marketing pdf free download

Even more important, however, your word has to be “available” in your category. If you’re not a leader, then your word has to have a narrow focus. You can test the validity of a leadership claim by a word association test. The leader owns the word that stands for the category.

22 immutable laws of marketing pdf free download 22 immutable laws of marketing pdf free download

The simple words are best, words taken right out of the dictionary. Summary: The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospect’s mind.Ī company can become incredibly successful if it can find a way to own a word in the mind of the prospect. Instead of using their own perceptions, they base their buying decisions on someone else’s perception of reality. What makes the battle even more difficult is that customers frequently make buying decisions based on second-hand perceptions. Only by studying how perceptions are formed in the mind and focusing your marketing programs on those perceptions can you overcome your basically incorrect marketing instincts. Summary: Marketing is not a battle of products, it’s a battle of perception.Īll that exists in the world of marketing are perceptions in the minds of the customer or prospect. You have to blast your way into the mind. If you want to make a big impression on another person, you cannot worm your way into their mind and then slowly build up a favorable opinion over a period of time. The single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing is trying to change a mind. You can’t change a mind once a mind is made up. Summary: It’s better to be first in the mind than to be first in the marketplace.īeing first in the marketplace is important only to the extent that it allows you to get in the mind first. When you’re the first in a new category, promote the category. Few people are interested in what’s better. When you launch a new product, the first question to ask yourself is not “How is this product better than the competition?” but “First what?” In other words, what category is this new product first in?Įveryone is interested in what’s new. It’s not as difficult as you might think. If you didn’t get into the prospect’s mind first, don’t give up hope. Summary: If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in. Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products. If you’re introducing the first brand in a new category, you should always try to select a name that can work generically. One reason the first brand tends to maintain its leadership is that the name often becomes generic (e.g. People tend to stick with what they’ve got. Timing is an issue-your first could be too late. Not every first is going to become successful. The leading brand in any category is almost always the first brand into the prospect’s mind. In today’s competitive environment, a me-too product with a line extension name has little hope of becoming a big profitable brand. It’s much easier to get into the mind first than to try to convince someone you have a better product than the one that did get there first. Summary: It’s better to be first than it is better. It will be requested by readers of the authors' earlier titles.The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing Summary The book is fun to read, contains solid information, and should be acquired by all public and business school libraries. For example, the "Law of Focus" states that the most powerful concept in marketing is "owning" a word in the prospect's mind, such as Crest's owning cavities and Nordstrom's owning service. Just as the laws of physics define the workings of the universe, so do successful marketing programs conform to the "22 Laws." Each law is presented with illustrations of how it works based on actual companies and their marketing strategies. The premise behind this book is that in order for marketing strategies to work, they must be in tune with some quintessential force in the marketplace. Ries and Trout, authors of some of the most popular titles in marketing published during the last decade ( Marketing Warfare, LJ 10/15/85 Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, Warner, 1987 and Bottom-Up Marketing, McGraw, 1989), continue the same breezy style, with lots of anecdotes and insider views of contemporary marketing strategy. Publisher: HarperBusiness First Paperback edition (April 27, 1994) | ISBN-10: 0887306667 | PDF | 0,9 Mb | 143 pages The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! by Al Ries (Author), Jack Trout (Author)

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